

Hello, I'm

Ravshan Oblayorxonov

FrontEnd and React engineer
  1. 1  class Person {
  2. 2    constructor() {
  3. 3      this.name = "Ravshan Oblayorxonov";
  4. 4      this.traits = ["Web","React"];
  5. 5      this.age = new Date().getFullYear() - 2006;
  6. 6    }
  7. 7  }

Things I love

  • FrontEnd

    I'm more fontend focused and love to work with ReactJs as well as pure HTML, CSS, JS

  • Javascript

    I just extremely love javascript, I can't even express how much I love javascript with just a few lines.

  • Creative Coding

    I love creative coding because I do both coding & designing, making beautiful art with code is very satisfying to me.

About Me

Good day, I am Ravshan Oblayorkhanov. I’m 16 and despite being young, I’ve done a lot of great projects at Frontend and React. I love the clean code and delightful user interface. I like to learn new and difficult things

  • "The most excellent jihad is the conquest of one’s self."

    -Muhammad ﷺ
  • “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

    -Steve Jobs
  • “If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right.”

    -Jeff Bezos

My Skillsets

    • SASS

    • figma

    • BEM

    • HTML5

    • Python

    • CSS3

    • C++

    • ES6

    • SQLite

    • JQuery

    • Responsibility

    My Projects